Ba Ba Ba Boris Bye Bye

British politics is dominated by a pair of real-life Muppet chaacters personified. With Brexit & Covid we needed better than Blustering Boris or Komplaining Kier

"Build Back Better" was Boris's slogan and it appears that particularly applied to his personal lodgings.  Meanwhile all of his stay safe Covid slogans seemingly applied only to US and not to the workers and guests of #10

Of course these as yet are only allegations subject to investigation but isn't there already too much smoke surrounding this administration?

The PM's bad-hair, blustering bad-boy, philanderer image has finally worn out its welcome and all that's keeping the Conservaives alive is the combination of grit ... and Labour.

Labour's leader is yet another muppet personified and has presented as little more than a snivelling, nit-picker throughout the whole Covid crisis.

Whatever happened to the old "Dunkirk Spirit" of working together through natonal ccrises?  Petty party politics it seems are more important than unnity under stress.


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