Hints & Tips: Are SILVERFISH harmful? How can I get rid of them?

Lately I've seen the odd silverfish on my bathroom floor at night. They're quick and hide a the first sign of movement

But if I'm quick enough I can squish the odd critter to a silver pulp undecided

Yet still there seem to be more the next night.

They don't look harmful and don't seem to damage anything but are they really harmless?

Anyway NO infestation can be a good thing right?  So how can I get rid of them?

I worry that something even nastier will appear to prey on them and then I'll have to deal with THAT too!


    • tony
    • 26 Oct 2021
    • 19:46

    I understand they are NOT harmful to humans except for rare cases of allergy.  They thrive on damp and eat paper so a dehumidifier is a good start and best to keep areas clean & clear of debris.