AUTISM is not a disease, nor is it a disability, it's brain wiring

Both Asperger's and autism are developmental conditions that can cause difficulty with social interactions, repetitive behaviors, and narrow interests

Asperger's was previously considered a high-functioning form of autism, with people having average or above-average language and intelligence.

However, people with autism may have more severe and pervasive symptoms. 

Social skills: Difficulty relating to others, understanding social situations, and responding to social cues 

Indicators could include Repetitive behaviors: Hand-flapping, rocking, or other stereotyped movements Interests: Intense interest in a specific topic or narrow range of activities Communication: Difficulty with verbal or nonverbal communication, such as eye contact or sarcasm Routines: Strict adherence to routine or ritual behaviors. Intolerance of change Emotional experiences: Little to no response to social or emotional experiences Hypersensitivity: To light, sound, noise, touch, crowds, embarrassment  Anxiety: Stress in relating to others or trying to fit in; masking is a common coping mechanism   Reactions: MeltDown Combinations of stimuli from these challenges and stresses can easily and suddenly become overwhelming and like an "emotional volcano" the subject can erupt in aggressive or violent behaviour - usually constrained to isolation/vocalisation or aggression to/with inanimate objects but exceptionally where the subject is physically or verbally pressured they may take steps to restore or enforce their personal space.  


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