
I found this funny

Why  do boys run faster than girls?  

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 25 Aug 2022
  • Views: 894

Do you backup?

I recently had a bit of a scare – our website was down and I couldn’t log in to find out what had happened.

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 27 Apr 2022
  • Views: 997

Temping, it could be the best career move you have ever made.

The default method of employment in the UK was to be a permanent employee and historically becoming a temp has been seen as a poor alternative but things are changing

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 14 Feb 2022
  • Views: 1293

Why business is like a three-legged stool

If you’ve ever tried to milk a cow using a three-legged stool then you’ll know how difficult it is. For those of us that haven’t we can only imagine.

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 14 Feb 2022
  • Views: 1187

The art of negotiating a pay rise

Most companies will have a standard annual pay rise for all employees to cope with inflation but what do you do if you think you are worth more?

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 29 Nov 2021
  • Views: 1186

Writing a resignation letter

Your job search has been successful and it’s time to move on, so how do you say goodbye?

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 23 Nov 2021
  • Views: 1219

How to write a CV and covering letter that work

“You only get one chance to make a first impression”. It’s an old saying but true nonetheless and even moreso in the area of job applications WHERE YOU MAY ONLY HAVE 45 SECONDS !!!

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 8 Nov 2021
  • Views: 1273

Individuals rights and GDPR

Looking at the rights of the individual under GDPR and what businesses need to take into account when preparing for compliance.

  • Author: bossman
  • Published: 27 Oct 2021
  • Views: 1256