The battle against LITTER is relentless
I can remember the "Don't be a litter lout" TV campaigns and, whilst they may be a thing of the past, surely it doesn't take a genius to realise that LITTER IS BAD
Glass bottles and drink cans are often just left on the seashore where they can easily become broken and jagged AND partly hidden in the sand where children play
A LOT of litter is left at the roadside, just dumped out of car windows. Ashtray litter, food wraps and cans are common items - often dumped WITHIN 10 PACES of an official bin!
This is a DAILY issue and it goes way beyond mere carelessness or laziness to verge on being a deliberate policy of spoiling facilities that others want to enjoy
Surely everyone is now more aware of important environmental issues but the litter shows no sign of improving. Councils are NOT equipped or funded to follow eveyone around picking up abandoned litter like some over-attentive and spoiling mother. Grow up!!
And will those responsible for leaving dog faeces finally have the common decency and minimal responsibility it takes to clean up or risk having their dogs impounded fo adoption by more responsible carers!?!?