On spanking children
Is spanking a natural means of disciplining children or a barbaric act or abuse?
Corporal punishment – or spanking - is one of the most common practices that are used by the parents to alter long term behavioral issues of their kids. It has become one of the most common discipline techniques in most of the American families, but it has also been criticized by the child development authorities. Any type of corporal punishment by teachers, parents or any other person is banned in 37 countries, while 113 countries prohibit corporal punishment in schools. There are great deals of evidences that can prove that spanking is ineffective. It can result into a case of physical abuse and can also create negative impact on the behavior of the children in many ways. The issue of corporal punishment in the United States still remains controversial. The American Academy of Pediatrics and various other organizations are firmly against corporal punishment by the parents on their kids, but unlike 37 other countries with strict laws against spanking, there is no federal law in America that’s banns corporal punishment.
State of corporal punishment in American schools
In America, different states have different set of laws related to the corporal punishment. Currently, 19 states in America permit spanking of children in schools. 31 states and the District of Columbia have banned spanking the children in public schools, while New Jersey and Lowa have banned it even in private schools. There are many schools which offer the misbehaving child with a choice either to get suspended or get beaten with a paddle. Corporal punishment in schools is very common in low socio economic districts and poor black children mostly face it.
Punishment can cause negative impact on the minds of the children
There is no state in America that completely bans corporal punishment in homes. Spanking in homes by the parents is also very common in America. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach their children how to behave so that they are never forced to spank them. It is very important to know that hitting the children will make them hitters too. Several researches have done on relation between corporal punishment in childhood and the behavior of the children in teenage or adult age. It was found the most of the dangerous criminals were heavily corporally punished in childhood. It is natural and well known fact that children learn how to behave by observing the actions of their parents. So, it becomes the duty of the parents to teach their children moral values and reduce the corporal punishment to the minimal level so that they don’t learn hitting.
Love and affection can only create a strong bonding
Corporal punishment also diverts the mind of the children learning how to solve the problem in a human way, rather than it causes fear and anger in their minds. It also adversely affects the bond between the parents and the child, because it is not in human nature to be affectionate and loving towards someone who hurts you. Strong bonding between the parents and children can be only achieved by love and respect and not by corporal punishment or spanking.
