Health & Welfare: Selfish(?) Suicide, Depression & Mental Illness
Many people think that a suicide attempt is a selfish act because the person doesn't seem to care about those they leave behind. But there are different circumstances prevailing...
- Author: tony
- Published: 5 Jan 2016
- Views: 13368

Home & Family: Piercings and Young Teenagers
My 14 year old daughter wants her navel pierced. I really think it's not a nice look on a 14 year old girl but am I over reacting? She's doing the 'everyone else has one' speech...
- Author: madmumma
- Published: 16 Aug 2015
- Views: 3796

Health & Welfare: Eating out when you have an allergy - Why is this still so difficult?
I have been avoiding wheat completely since 2011 after an exclusion diet led me to realise that wheat was the major cause of my IBS symptoms. Since eliminating it I get very ill if...
- Author: madmumma
- Published: 16 Aug 2015
- Views: 3887

Home & Family: Inexpensive Days Out Ideas For Families
So, we're pretty much halfway through the summer holidays! I've been trying to find inexpensive ways to entertain the kids and so thought i'd share some. Yesterday we went to West...
- Author: madmumma
- Published: 16 Aug 2015
- Views: 3711
Social Issues: Is the 2nd Amendment a License to Kill ?
If prohibition and the "war on drugs" have proven anything it's that laws must represent the general view of the society they are supposed to protect. Both have done much...
- Author: hissingsid
- Published: 19 Jul 2015
- Views: 8693
Social Issues: Is a US ban on guns the answer?
Should recent events sway us into a nation banned of guns? There is no denying the fact that violence is present in the world. Yet, for the most part crimes which are highlighted...
- Author: spotty
- Published: 16 Jul 2015
- Views: 6181
The economic growth of any nation depends on its workforce but also on technology and innovation while its health and stability relies on a broader, more rounded appreciation of...
- Author: boffin
- Published: 9 Jun 2015
- Views: 7403
Home & Family: Marriage should only be a 10-year contract
Marriage Should Only be a 10-Year Contract There seem to be few things more likely to get people fired up than suggesting changes to marriage. It makes the inner romantic in a lot...
- Author: manflu
- Published: 9 Jun 2015
- Views: 6698
Relationships: Support of Same-Sex Marriage & Adoption
The legal status of same-sex marriage and adoption Same-sex relationships have been legal in the UK for nearly 50 years, and over that period, progress has been made towards...
- Author: hissingsid
- Published: 9 Jun 2015
- Views: 4825
Other/General: BLOG vs FORUM
Blogs versus Forums Today’s internet is brimming with blogs and forums. Having an understanding of the two enables you to make the right choice about which to use and which...
- Author: goodaysport
- Published: 18 Apr 2015
- Views: 3312
Social Issues: Support the death penalty
The society often uses punishment to discourage unlawful activities by indiscipline actors. In fact, the community is highly interested in preventing crime and murder in the...
- Author: pawel
- Published: 18 Apr 2015
- Views: 7524
Employment: Keep religion out of schools
Public schools are now host to a wide range of ethnic and religious origins. The practice of conducting religious assemblies or of teaching any particular religion within the...
- Author: Not that simon
- Published: 17 Apr 2015
- Views: 7500
Or as the commercial promoting pork says “put some pork on your fork” WAY TO GO QUEBEC....... MAYOR REFUSES TO REMOVE PORK FROM SCHOOL CANTEEN MENU... EXPLAINS WHY ...
- Author: soapboxjohn
- Published: 1 Mar 2015
- Views: 7250
Humour: Health & Safety???
How can people be so stupid?
- Author: Sitemanager
- Published: 9 Feb 2015
- Views: 3317