Putin isn't delusional Trump isn't (quite) as stupid as he sounds! Together they are united in wanting to rape Ukraine for their own gain.

Putin wants more territory, more citizens to dominate, oppress and exploit.

Trump sees only advantage for the US economy so he's withdrawing the US from 

Ukraine support, 

support for the UN generally, 

any support for limiting climate change

His election manifesto promised "peace in Ukraine" but that is "peace in Ukraine at any price to freedom, democracy, decency and the people of Ukraine"

Trump's spouting the Putin spin, not becuase he believes it but because he sees advantage and because

Trump really doesn't care what he says 

his only concern is negotiating advantageously and if that means lying, threatening, abandoning common sense, truth and reason then so be it!

He has the front to demand 50% of Ukraine's resources - whether that's an extreme negotiating ploy or a genuine extortion attempt remains to be seen but

clearly Trump is not a man/leader to be trusted - by anyone!

We've heard his ravings so many times.  He will sell anything and anybody out to cover his own sorry ass or to avoid embarrassment.

THAT is the US President and the most powerful leader/ would-be dictator in world politics today

Ukraine is just the beginning!


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